Saturday, May 19, 2007

The First Post

This is going to be a photoblog about the Toronto MLS team, Toronto FC.

I've started this a bit late, as we're 7 games into our inaugural season (and 3 games into our 'home' season), but better late than never. I'm a season ticket holder for TFC, and can make it out to most games. I take the shots you see here from my seat in Section 112 (Row 15, seats 7+8) of the always-awesome 'South End.'

Schedule-wise, I'll be out to most of the games this summer; only missing a couple Wednesday matches. However, I go to school at UWO, so after the DC United game on Aug. 28, I'll be AWOL for the rest of the season. BUT! Then my degree's finished, so next season (and any more after that), I won't be missing a game.

